Oct 10 2009: HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji in New Jersey – Left for San Francisco, California
The morning started with Teertha Goshti with HH Sri Swamiji offering blessings and theertha prasadam to a very large gathering of several hundred people that came to participate in the Sri Maha Lakshmi Deeksha.
After the Teertha Gosthi HH announced to the devotees present about conducting Viswasanti Sri Yagam in the last of July 2010 at Jeeayar Asramam in Cranbury, NJ. HH gave out details of the Yagam for the benefit of those present. Later HH explained in detail the procedure to do Sri Mantra japam and performed Sri Maha Lakshmi Deeksha initiation to the devotees present. A Video explaining the Mantra Japam is available at www.JETNewJersey.org. Anybody can participate in the deeksha and do the mantra japam which will be concluded at the Viswasanti Sri Yagam in July of 2010.
The event ended with a grand Prasadam distribution, which was prepared & distributed by Sriman Purshotham Ji and the volunteer team lead by Srimati Aparna Dingari and Satyavati Ayyala. Several volunteers helped in making the event success with the grace of our Acharya.
Later in the evening, HH left NJ by a continental flight out of New Jersey’s Newark (Liberty) International Airport on a 5 day trip to California and Arizona. HH was seen off by a large gathering of devotees at the airport. HH offerred his blessings to all those present. HH will be back in NJ on October 15th.
Pictures from Oct 10th:
Teertha Goshti 1
Teertha Goshti 2
Teertha Goshti 3
Sri Maha Lakshmi Deeksha 1
Sri Maha Lakshmi Deeksha 2
HH Leaving for the Airport
HH at the airport
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Source: New Jersey News